

The beauty treatments at Vive Medical Spa are personalized and designed for each particular patient, according to their health condition, age, weight, objectives or other factors. Each treatment is different, so it is important that the patient follow the doctor’s instructions before and after the procedure, to obtain the best results.

Some of the treatments use cold or heat to obtain the objectives, in other cases various high-tech resources are used, such as laser light, electromagnetic waves or others. In those cases, it is important that the patient carefully follows the instructions of his doctor and not apply other medications or substances than those indicated.

Los procedimientos no invasivos son seguros y de rápida recuperación, por lo que si se requieren cuidados especiales, éstos se limitarán a las horas siguientes al tratamiento.

Recuerde que los resultados no siempre son inmediatos y que, aunque pueda ver las mejoras al instante, la eficacia total del tratamiento sólo se verá en los días o semanas siguientes.


El botox y los rellenos de ácido hialurónico son algunos de los tratamientos más populares para mejorar la piel y relajar los músculos de la cara y otras partes del cuerpo. Son seguros, naturales, indoloros y el tratamiento permite deshacerse de arrugas, líneas de expresión o diferentes tipos de imperfecciones.

Su uso en medicina está bien documentado con grandes resultados desde hace décadas. Después de la aplicación, puedes volver a tu casa o a tu lugar de trabajo y continuar con tus actividades sin ningún riesgo ni dolor.

Pero no olvide que debe seguir algunos consejos para obtener los mejores resultados.

En las primeras horas después de las inyecciones, las sustancias aún no se han asentado en tu cuerpo, por lo que tendrás que esperar al menos 24 horas para continuar con tus actividades diarias normales.

Antes de eso, no te toques ni te des masajes, si el procedimiento fue en la cara o en los labios, la frente o la barbilla, no fumes ni duermas con la cara hacia la almohada.

Evite beber alcohol o tomar anticoagulantes como la aspirina, y no haga ejercicio. Si tienes alguna pregunta, no dudes en llamar a tu médico. Siempre estaremos disponibles para atenderle.



    Immediately after your filler, you are going to notice a few of these things:



    -Needle puncture marks.




    These problems are common with the fillers and are regularly solved over the next few days to weeks. You’ll see the final result within four weeks after your procedure.

    Do not touch your face for six hours. After six hours, you may wash your face with your products.

    Although we recommend that you do not wear make-up on the same day of your treatment, you may if you have to.

    Things to avoid:

    -Going to the sauna for two weeks.

    -Putting pressure on the injection site, do not sleep on your stomach.

    -Strenuous exercise for 48 hours, no yoga for five days.

    -Using AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acid) products, Vitamin C, and oil products.

    -Consuming coffee, alcohol, and fish oil for three days.

    -Exfoliating your face on the area of the injections for five days.

  • When lips are injected, the upper lip sometimes swells more than the lower lip. When the

    swollen lip is lower, you will notice the results in augmentation. The ratio that people choose for augmentation is 40% for the upper lip and 60% for the lower lip.

    Temple Filler

    Headaches are common after filling the temple. You can take Tylenol if you like. Sometimes the veins in the temple protrude and are more obvious after filling.

    Jaw Filling

    Often you will feel lumps over the jaw. This resolves over the next few days to weeks, when the filler integrates into your skin.

    Buttock Fillers

    You will experience swelling, bruising, and lumpiness after doing the injections. With massage and time, this recovers and the filler integrates with your skin.

  • For the treatment to be 10 percent successful, we recommend some guidelines to be taken into account after the application, and some tips to ensure the results and longer-lasting treatment.

    -Do not massage or press on the infiltrated area for at least 24 hours after treatment.

    -Do not do sports in the 24 hours following the infiltration.

    -It is suggested to avoid exaggerated gestures with the treated area during the 4 hours after the treatment to help the distribution to be more uniform in the area.

    -Avoid prolonged sun exposure.

    -Avoid touching the area.

    -Avoid invasive aesthetic treatments unless a medical professional has been consulted.

    -Avoid lying down for the next 4 hours.

    -Avoid saunas for the next 4 hours.